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Medical Sciences, B.S.

Saint Louis University’s medical sciences program meets the needs of students considering a wide variety of career paths in the health sciences. It is designed mainly as a pre-professional program for students looking to advance in health care education. It is ideal preparation for medical, physician assistant, anesthesiologist assistant, dental, pharmacy, optometry or other health-related graduate programs.

Program Highlights 

博彩网址大全’s medical sciences program:

  • Focuses on human health and diagnostic studies
  • Consistently has a low student-faculty ratio which allows for more individualized attention
  • Provides students opportunities to conduct research with faculty members, present their research findings at professional conferences and have their work published in various journals

Curriculum Overview

博彩网址大全’s medical sciences curriculum provides graduates with the knowledge and skills to enhance their competitive edge in seeking employment or furthering their education in professional programs, especially medical and physician assistant schools.

This curriculum offers:

  • Basic science courses that are required for the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) and for admission into medical school
  • A strong foundation in both basic sciences and medical courses in various areas of diagnostic medicine, such as urinalysis and body fluids, medical biochemistry, hematology and hemostasis, fundamental immunology, immunohematology and medical microbiology
  • An excellent option for medical and physician assistant scholars
  • A uniquely flexible curriculum that can accommodate a minor, certificate, or combination to meet the student’s professional goals. Pre-medicine, Medical Scholar, pre-physician assistant (PA) and PA Scholars curricula are the main options for degree candidates.
  • An active student association sponsoring service projects, social events, fundraisers and trips to professional conferences
  • Opportunities for research

Clinical and Research Opportunities

Students will have the opportunity to conduct research and produce projects and papers for publication and presentation at professional conferences.


The advantages of 博彩网址大全’s medical sciences program include a wide range of career paths available to graduates. They include: 

  • Professional School and Programs
    • Medical, dental, optometry, physician or anesthesiologist assistant
    • Veterinary science, public health 
    • Federal, state or municipal crime laboratory programs
  • Graduate School
    • Pathology, microbiology, pharmacology
    • Physiology, forensic science
  • Medical Research 
    • National Institutes of Health
    • Centers for Disease Control
    • Pharmaceutical research
    • Universities
  • Other Career Options
    • Biotechnology technician
    • Pharmaceutical technical or sales representative 

Admission Requirements

Freshmen Applicants

Solid academic performance in college preparatory coursework is the primary consideration when reviewing freshmen applications. 

Admission criteria include:

  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 on a 4.00 scale.
  • Four years of high school math (with algebra), biology, chemistry, and English, with some physics recommended
  • Saint Louis University has moved to a test-optional admission process for all undergraduate programs. Applicants may submit standardized test scores, but those who choose not to will not be disadvantaged in any way in the admission process. 

Transfer Applicants

Transfer applicants must have at least a “C-” in all math and science coursework and a 2.70 cumulative GPA from an accredited college-level institution. Interested applicants who do not meet all the admission requirements should still apply for individual consideration. 

International Applicants

All admission policies and requirements for domestic students apply to international students, along with the following:

  • You must demonstrate English language proficiency.
  • Proof of financial support must include:
    • A letter of financial support from the person(s) or sponsoring agency funding your time at Saint Louis University.
    • A letter from the sponsor's bank verifying that the funds are available and will be so for the duration of your study at the University.
  • Academic records, in English translation, of students who have undertaken postsecondary studies outside the United States must include the courses taken and/or lectures attended, practical laboratory work, the maximum and minimum grades attainable, the grades earned or the results of all end-of-term examinations, and any honors or degrees received. WES and ECE transcripts are accepted.


Tuition Cost Per Year
Undergraduate Tuition $54,760

Additional charges may apply. Other resources are listed below:

Net Price Calculator

Information on Tuition and Fees

Miscellaneous Fees

Information on Summer Tuition

Scholarships and Financial Aid

There are two principal ways to help finance a Saint Louis University education:

  • Scholarships: Awarded based on academic achievement, service, leadership and financial need. In addition to University scholarships, the Doisy College of Health Sciences offers scholarships to sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students.
  • Financial Aid: Provided in the form of grants and loans, some of which require repayment.

For priority consideration for merit-based scholarships, applicants should apply for admission by Dec. 1 and complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by March 1.

For more information, visit the Office of Student Financial Services.

  1. Graduates will be able to demonstrate the Jesuit value of "women and men for and with others" to promote service in the medical sciences.
  2. Graduates will be able to articulate a clear description of a medical science project.
  3. Graduates will be able to apply clinical knowledge to interpret medical science data to develop a differential diagnosis.
  4. Graduates will be able to display knowledge of professional and ethical behaviors necessary to work effectively in a team.

Students must earn a C- or better in math, science, and program specific courses (BLS or MLS prefix) including HSCI 3700 Research Methods (3 cr).

Students in Saint Louis University's medical sciences major take the following courses. 

University Undergraduate Core32-35
BIOL 1240
BIOL 1245
General Biology: Information Flow and Evolution
and Principles of Biology I Laboratory
BIOL 1260
BIOL 1265
General Biology: Transformations of Energy and Matter
and Principles of Biology II Laboratory
BIOL 3020Biochemistry and Molecular Biology3
CHEM 1110
CHEM 1115
General Chemistry 1
and General Chemistry 1 Laboratory
CHEM 1120
CHEM 1125
General Chemistry 2
and General Chemistry 2 Laboratory
CHEM 2410
CHEM 2415
Organic Chemistry 1
and Organic Chemistry 1 Laboratory
CMM 1200Public Speaking3
ENGL 1900Advanced Strategies of Rhetoric and Research3
HCE 1600Embodiment, Life, and Death in Context3
HSCI 2200Medical Terminology3
HSCI 3300
HSCI 3310
Anatomy & Physiology I
and Anatomy & Physiology I Lab
HSCI 3400
HSCI 3410
Anatomy and Physiology Lecture II
and Anatomy & Physiology II Lab
MATH 1400Pre-Calculus *3
PSY 1010General Psychology3
STAT 1300Elementary Statistics with Computers3
HSCI 3700Research Methods3
Biomedical Laboratory Science
BLS 1100Foundations of Medical Sciences2
BLS 3110Urinalysis & Body Fluids2
BLS 4110Medical Biochemistry I3
BLS 4120Medical Biochemistry II2
BLS 4210Hematology4
BLS 4220Hemostasis and Thrombosis2
BLS 4310Immunohematology3
BLS 4411Fundamentals of Immunology2
BLS 4510Medical Microbiology4
Optional Track15-24
Students in any of the 3 following tracks should complete the additional coursework listed below.
General Electives6-30
Total Credits120-124

Students in the Pre-Medicine and Med Scholars tracks should take MATH 1510 Calculus I (4 cr) instead of MATH 1400 Pre-Calculus (3 cr).

Pre-Physician Assistant and PA Scholar Track

BIOL 3030Principles of Genetics3
BIOL 3040Cell Structure & Function3
CHEM 2420
CHEM 2425
Organic Chemistry 2
and Organic Chemistry 2 Laboratory
MLS 4515Medical Microbiology Laboratory1
PHYS 1310
PHYS 1320
Physics I
and Physics I Laboratory
Total Credits15

Pre-Medicine Track

BIOL 3030Principles of Genetics3
BIOL 3040Cell Structure & Function3
CHEM 2420
CHEM 2425
Organic Chemistry 2
and Organic Chemistry 2 Laboratory
MATH 1510Calculus I (Students should take this in place of MATH 1400) *4
PHYS 1310
PHYS 1320
Physics I
and Physics I Laboratory
PHYS 1330
PHYS 1340
Physics II
and Physics II Laboratory
SOC 1100Introduction to Sociology3
Total Credits21

Students in the Pre-Medicine and Med Scholars tracks should take MATH 1510 Calculus I (4 cr) instead of MATH 1400 Pre-Calculus (3 cr).

Medical Scholars Track

BIOL 3030Principles of Genetics3
BIOL 3040Cell Structure & Function3
CHEM 2420
CHEM 2425
Organic Chemistry 2
and Organic Chemistry 2 Laboratory
MATH 1510Calculus I (Students should take this in place of MATH 1400) *4
PHYS 1310
PHYS 1320
Physics I
and Physics I Laboratory
PHYS 1330
PHYS 1340
Physics II
and Physics II Laboratory
PPHS 1050Medical Scholar Seminar0
SOC 1100Introduction to Sociology3
BIOL XXXXUpper Division Biology Elective3
Total Credits24

Students in the Pre-Medicine and Med Scholars tracks should take MATH 1510 Calculus I (4 cr) instead of MATH 1400 Pre-Calculus (3 cr).

Continuation Standards

Students must maintain a minimum 2.70 GPA.

Roadmaps are recommended semester-by-semester plans of study for programs and assume full-time enrollment unless otherwise noted.  

Courses and milestones designated as critical (marked with !) must be completed in the semester listed to ensure a timely graduation. Transfer credit may change the roadmap.

This roadmap should not be used in the place of regular academic advising appointments. All students are encouraged to meet with their advisor/mentor each semester. Requirements, course availability and sequencing are subject to change.

Standard Track

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
Critical course:  BIOL 1240
BIOL 1245
General Biology: Information Flow and Evolution
and Principles of Biology I Laboratory (Critical course:  satisfies CORE 3800)
BLS 1100 Foundations of Medical Sciences 2
Critical course:  CHEM 1110
CHEM 1115
General Chemistry 1
and General Chemistry 1 Laboratory
CORE 1000 Ignite First Year Seminar 2
XXXXElective 3
Critical course:  BIOL 1260
BIOL 1265
General Biology: Transformations of Energy and Matter
and Principles of Biology II Laboratory
Critical course:  CHEM 1120
CHEM 1125
General Chemistry 2
and General Chemistry 2 Laboratory
CORE 1500 Cura Personalis 1: Self in Community 1
ENGL 1900 Advanced Strategies of Rhetoric and Research (satisfies CORE 1900) 3
MATH 1400 Pre-Calculus 3
Year Two
BIOL 3020 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 3
Critical course:  CHEM 2410
CHEM 2415
Organic Chemistry 1
and Organic Chemistry 1 Laboratory
HCE 1600 Embodiment, Life, and Death in Context (satisfies CORE 1600) 3
HSCI 2200 Medical Terminology 3
STAT 1300 Elementary Statistics with Computers (satisfies CORE 3200) 3
CMM 1200 Public Speaking (satisfies CORE 1200) 3
CORE 1700 Ultimate Questions: Philosophy 3
CORE 2500 Cura Personalis 2: Self in Contemplation 0
PSY 1010 General Psychology (satisfies CORE 3600) 3
XXXXElective 3
XXXXElective 3
Year Three
BLS 4110 Medical Biochemistry I 3
BLS 4411 Fundamentals of Immunology 2
HSCI 3300
HSCI 3310
Anatomy & Physiology I
and Anatomy & Physiology I Lab
XXXXElective 3
XXXXElective 3
CORE 3500 Cura Personalis 3: Self in the World 1
HSCI 3400
HSCI 3410
Anatomy and Physiology Lecture II
and Anatomy & Physiology II Lab
HSCI 3700 Research Methods 3
BLS 4120 Medical Biochemistry II 2
XXXXElective 3
XXXXElective 3
Year Four
BLS 4210 Hematology 4
BLS 4510 Medical Microbiology 4
MLS 4515
Medical Microbiology Laboratory (Optional)  
CORE 3400 Ways of Thinking: Aesthetics, History, and Culture 3
XXXXElective 3
BLS 3110 Urinalysis & Body Fluids 2
BLS 4220 Hemostasis and Thrombosis 2
BLS 4310 Immunohematology 3
CORE 2800 Eloquentia Perfecta 3: Creative Expression 2-3
XXXXElective 3
XXXXElective 3
 Total Credits121-122

Program Notes

The standard curriculum contains a series of electives which allows students to select courses that meet their career goals such as entrance to graduate or professional (dental, veterinary, optometry, pharmacy, anesthesiologist assistant, etc.) school.

Pre-Physician Assistant & PA Scholars Track

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
Critical course:  BIOL 1240
BIOL 1245
General Biology: Information Flow and Evolution
and Principles of Biology I Laboratory (Critical course:  satisfies CORE 3800)
BLS 1100 Foundations of Medical Sciences 2
Critical course:  CHEM 1110
CHEM 1115
General Chemistry 1
and General Chemistry 1 Laboratory
CORE 1000 Ignite First Year Seminar 2
XXXXElective 3
Critical course:  BIOL 1260
BIOL 1265
General Biology: Transformations of Energy and Matter
and Principles of Biology II Laboratory
Critical course:  CHEM 1120
CHEM 1125
General Chemistry 2
and General Chemistry 2 Laboratory
ENGL 1900 Advanced Strategies of Rhetoric and Research (satisfies CORE 1900) 3
MATH 1400 Pre-Calculus 3
CORE 1500 Cura Personalis 1: Self in Community 1
Year Two
BIOL 3020 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 3
Critical course:  CHEM 2410
CHEM 2415
Organic Chemistry 1
and Organic Chemistry 1 Laboratory
STAT 1300 Elementary Statistics with Computers (satisfies CORE 3200) 3
HCE 1600 Embodiment, Life, and Death in Context (satisfies CORE 1600) 3
HSCI 2200 Medical Terminology 3
BIOL 3040 Cell Structure & Function 3
Critical course:  CHEM 2420
CHEM 2425
Organic Chemistry 2
and Organic Chemistry 2 Laboratory
CMM 1200 Public Speaking (satisfies CORE 1200) 3
CORE 1700 Ultimate Questions: Philosophy 3
CORE 2500 Cura Personalis 2: Self in Contemplation 0
PSY 1010 General Psychology (satisfies CORE 3600) 3
Year Three
BLS 4110 Medical Biochemistry I 3
BLS 4411 Fundamentals of Immunology 2
HSCI 3300
HSCI 3310
Anatomy & Physiology I
and Anatomy & Physiology I Lab
PHYS 1310
PHYS 1320
College Physics I
and College Physics I Laboratory
XXXXElective 3
BIOL 3030 Principles of Genetics 3
HSCI 3400
HSCI 3410
Anatomy and Physiology Lecture II
and Anatomy & Physiology II Lab
CORE 3500 Cura Personalis 3: Self in the World 1
HSCI 3700 Research Methods 3
BLS 4120 Medical Biochemistry II 2
XXXXElective 3
Year Four
BLS 4210 Hematology 4
BLS 4510 Medical Microbiology 4
CORE 3400 Ways of Thinking: Aesthetics, History, and Culture 3
MLS 4515 Medical Microbiology Laboratory 1
XXXXElective 3
BLS 3110 Urinalysis & Body Fluids 2
BLS 4220 Hemostasis and Thrombosis 2
BLS 4310 Immunohematology 3
CORE 2800 Eloquentia Perfecta 3: Creative Expression 2-3
XXXXCore Elective 3
 Total Credits121-122

Program Notes

The pre-PA curriculum is based on the 博彩网址大全 PA program requirements and is not guaranteed to meet all the prerequisites of all PA programs. Prospective PA students need to identify the programs to which they intend to apply and ascertain what courses are needed to fulfill the application requirements for those schools.

Medical Scholars Track

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
Critical course:  BIOL 1240
BIOL 1245
General Biology: Information Flow and Evolution
and Principles of Biology I Laboratory (Critical course:  satisfies CORE 3800)
BLS 1100 Foundations of Medical Sciences 2
Critical course:  CHEM 1110
CHEM 1115
General Chemistry 1
and General Chemistry 1 Laboratory
CORE 1000 Ignite First Year Seminar 2
CORE 1500 Cura Personalis 1: Self in Community 1
XXXXElective 3
Critical course:  BIOL 1260
BIOL 1265
General Biology: Transformations of Energy and Matter
and Principles of Biology II Laboratory
Critical course:  CHEM 1120
CHEM 1125
General Chemistry 2
and General Chemistry 2 Laboratory
ENGL 1900 Advanced Strategies of Rhetoric and Research (satisfies CORE 1900) 3
MATH 1510 Calculus I 4
Year Two
BIOL 3020 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 3
Critical course:  CHEM 2410
CHEM 2415
Organic Chemistry 1
and Organic Chemistry 1 Laboratory
HCE 1600 Embodiment, Life, and Death in Context (satisfies CORE 1600) 3
HSCI 2200 Medical Terminology 3
PPHS 1050 Medical Scholar Seminar 0
STAT 1300 Elementary Statistics with Computers (satisfies CORE 3200) 3
BIOL 3040 Cell Structure & Function 3
Critical course:  CHEM 2420
CHEM 2425
Organic Chemistry 2
and Organic Chemistry 2 Laboratory
CMM 1200 Public Speaking (satisfies CORE 1200) 3
CORE 1700 Ultimate Questions: Philosophy 3
CORE 2500 Cura Personalis 2: Self in Contemplation 0
SOC 1100 Introduction to Sociology 3
Year Three
BLS 4110 Medical Biochemistry I 3
BLS 4411 Fundamentals of Immunology 2
HSCI 3300
HSCI 3310
Anatomy & Physiology I
and Anatomy & Physiology I Lab
Critical course:  PHYS 1310
PHYS 1320
College Physics I
and College Physics I Laboratory
PSY 1010 General Psychology (satisfies CORE 3600) 3
Critical course:  PHYS 1330
PHYS 1340
College Physics II
and College Physics II Laboratory
HSCI 3400
HSCI 3410
Anatomy and Physiology Lecture II
and Anatomy & Physiology II Lab
CORE 3500 Cura Personalis 3: Self in the World 1
HSCI 3700 Research Methods 3
BLS 4120 Medical Biochemistry II 2
Year Four
BIOL 3030 Principles of Genetics 3
BLS 4210 Hematology 4
BLS 4510 Medical Microbiology 4
CORE 3400 Ways of Thinking: Aesthetics, History, and Culture 3
BLS 3110 Urinalysis & Body Fluids 2
BLS 4220 Hemostasis and Thrombosis 2
BLS 4310 Immunohematology 3
CORE 2800 Eloquentia Perfecta 3: Creative Expression 2-3
3XXXUpper Level Biology Elective 3
XXXXCore Elective 3
 Total Credits122-123

Program Notes

The Med Scholars curriculum is designed to address 博彩网址大全’s School of Medicine requirements and is subject to change. If applying to a medical school at another institution, please consult their website for specific requirements.

Pre-Medicine Track

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
Critical course:  BIOL 1240
BIOL 1245
General Biology: Information Flow and Evolution
and Principles of Biology I Laboratory (Critical course:  satisfies CORE 3800)
BLS 1100 Foundations of Medical Sciences 2
Critical course:  CHEM 1110
CHEM 1115
General Chemistry 1
and General Chemistry 1 Laboratory
CORE 1000 Ignite First Year Seminar 2
CORE 1500 Cura Personalis 1: Self in Community 1
XXXXElective 3
Critical course:  BIOL 1260
BIOL 1265
General Biology: Transformations of Energy and Matter
and Principles of Biology II Laboratory
Critical course:  CHEM 1120
CHEM 1125
General Chemistry 2
and General Chemistry 2 Laboratory
ENGL 1900 Advanced Strategies of Rhetoric and Research (satisfies CORE 1900) 3
MATH 1510 Calculus I 4
Year Two
BIOL 3020 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 3
Critical course:  CHEM 2410
CHEM 2415
Organic Chemistry 1
and Organic Chemistry 1 Laboratory
HCE 1600 Embodiment, Life, and Death in Context (satisfies CORE 1600) 3
HSCI 2200 Medical Terminology 3
STAT 1300 Elementary Statistics with Computers (satisfies CORE 3200) 3
BIOL 3040 Cell Structure & Function 3
Critical course:  CHEM 2420
CHEM 2425
Organic Chemistry 2
and Organic Chemistry 2 Laboratory
CMM 1200 Public Speaking (satisfies CORE 1200) 3
CORE 1700 Ultimate Questions: Philosophy 3
CORE 2500 Cura Personalis 2: Self in Contemplation 0
SOC 1100 Introduction to Sociology 3
Year Three
BLS 4110 Medical Biochemistry I 3
BLS 4411 Fundamentals of Immunology 2
HSCI 3300
HSCI 3310
Anatomy & Physiology I
and Anatomy & Physiology I Lab
Critical course:  PHYS 1310
PHYS 1320
College Physics I
and College Physics I Laboratory
PSY 1010 General Psychology (satisfies CORE 3600) 3
Critical course:  PHYS 1330
PHYS 1340
College Physics II
and College Physics II Laboratory
HSCI 3400
HSCI 3410
Anatomy and Physiology Lecture II
and Anatomy & Physiology II Lab
CORE 3500 Cura Personalis 3: Self in the World 1
HSCI 3700 Research Methods 3
BLS 4120 Medical Biochemistry II 2
Year Four
BIOL 3030 Principles of Genetics 3
BLS 4210 Hematology 4
BLS 4510 Medical Microbiology 4
CORE 3400 Ways of Thinking: Aesthetics, History, and Culture 3
BLS 3110 Urinalysis & Body Fluids 2
BLS 4220 Hemostasis and Thrombosis 2
BLS 4310 Immunohematology 3
CORE 2800 Eloquentia Perfecta 3: Creative Expression 2-3
XXXXElective 3
XXXXElective 3
 Total Credits122-123

Program Notes

The pre-medicine curriculum is designed to address 博彩网址大全’s School of Medicine requirements and is subject to change. If applying to a medical school at another institution, please consult its website for specific requirements.

Apply for Admission

Contact Doisy College of Health Sciences
Recruitment specialist